You’re warmly welcome to join us at the
Tampere, Finland.
This day is for you if you want to:
• experience more freedom in your life
• let go of shame, fear and attachment to approval
• use conflict creatively and want to go beyond blame
• learn the art of asking for what you want
• heal your relationships and find forgiveness
• create deeper love, connection & intimacy
At this Radical Honesty day, you will receive an introduction to Radical Honesty and will get to experience some of the basic Radical Honesty exercises like:
• “Sometimes I Pretend”
• “I am I and You are You”
• “I Notice, I Imagine”
The day will be facilitated by Radical Honesty trainer in training Seán Middleton and assisted by Essi Tolonen.
Based on the books of the same name by Dr. Brad Blanton, Radical Honesty is about living in the Here and Now. It is a communication tool and lifestyle, which leads you to connect more deeply with others by expressing our fear, anger, appreciation and whatever is arising in the moment.
Radical Honesty is direct communication that leads to intimacy. It is the difference between making a performance and laughing and playing with friends. Honesty is kind of scary fun that turns out better than you thought it would. Lying is hard work and a pain and makes you lonesome as hell.
We claim that lying is the major source of all human stress. It wears us out and eventually kills us. When people engage honestly, energy that was wasted maintaining a performance to make an impression is suddenly available for real creativity in playing together. When we admit our pretences we can refresh our relationships and powerfully create new ways of living together. That is the not so secret secret of Radical Honesty.
More about Radical Honesty: https://www.radicalhonesty.com/
Video in English: https://youtu.be/e2K74U_TBek
ja Suomi: Radikaali Rehellisyys: http://www.honestyeurope.com/fi/radikaali-rehellisyys/, Video suomeksi: https://youtu.be/BLC8uJC5mt4
Sammonkatu 8-10, LH7 2krs.
33540 Tampere
Saturday, 20 July 2019
This day is suitable for both people who are new to Radical Honesty and for people who have participated a Radical Honesty event before. Experienced practitioners are also very welcome too!
Admission: €25 (Talk to us if money is a problem.)
Ways to pay: Buy a ticket here on Eventbrite (Fee: +€2.64) or by bank transfer to Essi Tolonen, FI96 1012 3500 0222 96, “RH Day Tampere” or contact us.
If you have any questions, I’m glad to answer them. Just write to me, text, message or phone me. And please let us know if you’re coming.
You are warmly welcome to experience the power and happiness of honesty.
Warmest regards
Seán & Essi
About the Facilitator & Trainer:
Seán Middleton is a Radical Honesty trainer in training. He has participated in many Radical Honesty workshops and also co-facilitated and assisted some workshops with Tuulia Syvänen and Pete Jordan, two experienced Radical Honesty Trainers, who run European workshops.
About the Organiser:
Essi Tolonen organises Radical Honesty Events and Laughing Yoga Workshops and Laughing Yoga Leader Trainings.
Seán Middleton & Essi Tolonen
Isidorintie 9 as. 2
10470 Fiskars
+49 179 4548672 (Seán’s German mobile, WhatsApp)
+358 50 370 0338 (Essi’s Finnish mobile, WhatsApp)
Zoom (Seán): https://zoom.us/j/6124362473